Jeremy's Guestbook!

This is a place to write down any comments or questions, or just pass the time! Please Add your comments to this guestbook!

Hey Jeremy,

Like your new website. More colourful and better organized than your other one.

Oy Ping

Oy Ping Jang

Vancouveer, BC Canada - Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 14:27:03 (PDT)

Well, that's it folks, see you in No more csma, no more ars technica! Too bad! More time for me to do more cool stuff... :)
Jeremy "aka Lord Baldrick" Reimer <>
Vancouver, BC CANADA EH - Sunday, November 19, 2000 at 14:12:42 (PST)
Hi Robert, great to hear from you. (See my incoming email) csma is the past, my friend, forums are the future.... see you there!
Jeremy Reimer <>
vancouver, bc CANADA - Saturday, October 07, 2000 at 11:38:17 (PDT)
Hi Jeremy: CSMA is truly in dire straits. The windroids are insipidly uninspiring and a Derek C. on steroids has taken up residence in our once fair NG. You might enjoy raking him over the coals. Some think he's a windroid in disguise. Come back and judge for yourself. If that isn't persuasive, try this: He may be after your posting frequency record. Have you no pride, man?! ;-) Hope all is well. Cheers, Rob.
Robert Fovell <>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Tuesday, September 26, 2000 at 20:02:59 (PDT)
Well, not much has been happening on this page as of late. However I will say that there is some NEW stuff that I am working on that will be a lot more exciting... that's all I can say for now. Stay tuned, and don't rule out a return to CSMA!
Jeremy Reimer <>
vancouver, bc canada - Sunday, August 06, 2000 at 21:21:22 (PDT)
TholenBotPro <>
USA - Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 17:03:00 (PDT)
Jeremy - when are you coming back to CSMA? Things have changed a lot. Kong is back, well, we think its him, Edwin's gone, and it just isn't the same...
Charles Kooy
London, UK - Tuesday, February 29, 2000 at 05:52:50 (PST)
Hi, I was just searching my name on the Internet. I was a bit surprised that it was an American surname, 'cause its my Christian name. And overhere in Friesland, in The Netherlands its very common name. Greatings Reimer Rondaan.
Reimer Rondaan <>
Beetgum, The Netherlands - Wednesday, December 15, 1999 at 13:33:35 (PST)
So, does anyone miss me in csma yet, or is it too early to ask?
Jeremy 'Getu' Reimer <>
CANADeh - Tuesday, August 10, 1999 at 18:16:20 (PDT)
You are swine!
Bill Gates <>
Redmond, WA USA - Monday, August 02, 1999 at 15:04:46 (PDT)
Hi folks. I haven't checked the old guestbook for a while, so here goes: I'm currently living in the Dunbar area of Vancouver, the _real_ Vancouver, not some wannabe suburb. :) I'm not sure which colors are hard to read on the links-- is it the blue on black? Maybe I'll change that. Anyway, take no notice of anything Rogers says.. they are just cableheads, they have no idea about any... hang on, there's someone at the door again...
Jeremy "Getu" Reimer <>
Vancouver, BC USA (a province of Canada) - Saturday, July 10, 1999 at 19:24:56 (PDT)
Sigh. Teach me not to reload the form. I did clear the text out of the field... but apparently the script didn't care. Sigh.
Chris Pott <>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Saturday, July 03, 1999 at 17:42:58 (PDT)
So, @Home can sell the original works you posted, under their new user agreement, heh? I really just signed the guestbook to check if the allegations of your broken guestbook were accurate or not. ...It is not broken! Congratulations! You get a special (for entertainment only, non-functional) square Hawaiian lens! Please allow 5-10 years for shipping. I will state, however, that the habit of this script to remove all linefeeds is rather annoying. I like paragraphs.
Chris Pott <>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Saturday, July 03, 1999 at 17:41:27 (PDT)
So, @Home can sell the original works you posted, under their new user agreement, heh? I really just signed the guestbook to check if the allegations of your broken guestbook were accurate or not. Have a happy 4th of July, you pinko commie Canadian. :) And the verdict is...
Chris Pott <>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Saturday, July 03, 1999 at 17:39:30 (PDT)
your a welfare guy. i be kool with the grils in my skool. rosy is my grilfreind now
Dr. Rash <>
Anytown, USA - Friday, July 02, 1999 at 17:41:39 (PDT)
Hey Jeremy, nice page. My only problem is that your links are hard to read because of the background. By the way, where in Vancouver do you live? I live in Delta. Long live the king of irrelevant CSMA posts! Apple will be dead... just wait till next year. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And then Apple will be doomed *doomed,* *DOOMED,* **DOOMED.**
thee_pirate <>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Friday, July 02, 1999 at 17:04:34 (PDT)
It's because it's written in 100% Pure Java, and therefore fails to execute correctly on any existing browser. :) Basically, Javascript just plain sucks, period.
Jeremy Reimer <>
Vancouver, CANADA EH - Tuesday, June 08, 1999 at 20:47:35 (PDT)
Jeremy, your Javascript time-zone example fails with a variable error. Is it because you're on the metric system?
Christian Gustafson <>
Chicago, IL USA - Sunday, June 06, 1999 at 17:59:02 (PDT)
Hee hee! :)
Jeremy 'Getu' Reimer
unknown - Sunday, May 23, 1999 at 19:40:13 (PDT)
ha!!machead yr site no good!!wanna play quake with yr slow imac?????i slaughter u like little lamb and you puck blood!!!! muahahahahahha!!snap!!snap!!photoshop!!real man have pc!!
Ho You Kong <>
Singapore, Singapore - Sunday, May 23, 1999 at 14:03:32 (PDT)
Hahaha! Thanks. I like to think that Ho You Kong is merely emulating Damon Goof. :)
Jeremy Reimer
CANADA EH - Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 22:02:41 (PDT)
Damon Goof in your Star Trek parody reminds me of Ho You Kong.
The Lord Of Lemmings <>
- Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 21:46:13 (PDT)
This site is 100% written in NextPad, a 32-bit Notepad replacement, ie, a plain text editor. The only way to go if you want good HTML code, in my not so humble opinion.
Jeremy Reimer
CANADA EH - Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 12:52:29 (PDT)
Hi Jeremy, what did you do this site with, anyway? Tom
Tom Elam <>
Noblesville, IN USA - Saturday, May 15, 1999 at 18:48:26 (PDT)
Mike, I think you are too easily amused. :)
Jeremy Reimer
CANADA EH? - Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 23:26:40 (PDT)
How hilarious is it that your guestbook entry form defaults to Country: USA? U S A! U S A! U S A! Signed, An American Fuckwit
Mike Dahmus <>
Austin, TX USA - Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 13:48:27 (PDT)
help!!!1 iam stick on you"re guestbbs!1 how do i play lo.rd?!!
Bill Mummy
Cairo, California - Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 00:17:24 (PDT)
Well, as I have never seen WP-Mac, I suppose I'll have to agree with you. However, WP-Win sucked dead donkey balls, and Reveal Codes was the _least_ of its atrocities! :)
Jeremy Reimer
Canada!! -
In Jeremy Reimer wrote: > Well, I doubt very much that Corel would listen to my comments in csma. It's Listen, yes. Get rid of Revel Codes? Never. And WP-Mac is entirely different code than WP-Win. -Gav
Ottawa, Ont Canada -
Not only do I have an obsessive need to get the last word, I always do! But I like to respond to people's comments, making the guestbook more of a permanent message board than just a boring guestbook. :)
Jeremy Reimer
Hey Jeremy - why do keep signing your own guestbook? Do you have an obsessive need to have the last word?
Jason S. <>
Buffalo, NY USA -
Thanks, Jason S, but your opinion means little to me, and nothing to anyone else in this world. Have a nice day. :)
Jeremy Reimer
Canada -
Your home page is really lame and you should spend many, many hours improving it - hours during which you would be absent from Usenet.
Jason S. <>
Buffalo, NY USA -
Thanks for the comments. I've had debates in about honing my essay on evolution so that is absolutely 100% accurate, but nitpicks aside, it's pretty close. No, you can't rule out divine intervention, but it's not required either. An open mind is, as you say, best. Keep checking back because I'm going to put up more essays, especially the one about how I got over the stress and sorrow of losing a job (and, one imagines, a career) but how it was so important that I walk away.
Jeremy Reimer
Interesting pages, Jeremy! Especially your "BALANCE" motto I like; mine in fact has been for a long time: "Dynamic Balance" -- as the priciple of Healthy Growth, in Chinese "I": main idea of the 3000 yrs old I-Ching. Re my homepg (hexagram #42). BTW: in your creationist vs. evolution page there is a minor slip: Galileo had house arrest the last 7 yrs of his life (1635-42) so it was rather some 360 ago, not "at least 400 years";-) Newton was born the year Galileo died (1642), by coincidence. And: there is more to evolution: the latest insights *do* think the timescale & speed of evolution (!) cannot be explained by pure chance: some mutual "coupling" between those various life processes might explain the enormous development speed, see my homepg item "inertia" (=prejudice: A small mind is a block forever, and: An open mind is a joy forever;-) Succes with (finding?) a new job beyond teaching math (see my reply on sci.math today) -- Ciao, Nico. AHA: One is Always Halfway Anyway (the principle of Dynamic Balance) I-Ching #42
Nico Benschop <>
Geldrop, NL Netherlands -
Love your site! Very witty! Great parody of Star Trek Next Generation! Very interesting povs about evolution vs. creationism (and also reflected in your Church of Scooby Doo writing--another great piece!).
Lurky Turkey :-)
a fnl frontier -
Thanks Angie. I liked your high-tech smiley! More silly stuff is coming soon, so check back here in a couple of weeks or so.
Jeremy Reimer
Canada -
I loved your page,and scooby doo too, The truth is out there."-Agent Mulder, The X-Files Angie τΏτ
Angie <>
overthere, Wi USA -
Thanks, Alan. I'll be putting up some more humorous stuff (stuff from years ago on Usenet, and my Church of Scooby Doo stuff) soon.
Jeremy Reimer <>
Hey, Jeremy! Nice site! Other than this minor computer platform nonsense (as my brother so correctly says: "They're all just beige toasters") we seem to have a fair amount in common.
Alan Baker <>
Vancouver, BC Canada -
You are welcome to add your comments to this page.
Jeremy Reimer <>
Vancouver, BC CANADA -

[@Home WebSpace]